Posted in Author Spotlight, Blog Tour, Cozy Mystery

Author Spotlight of Tonya Kappes, author of Six Feet Under, a Kenni Lowry Mystery

I’m pleased to have author Tonya Kappes from Crestview Hills, Kentucky here to speak about her writing and new release, Six Feet Under, which is on blog tour with Escape with Dollycas into a Good Book.

Welcome, Tonya. Please tell us how long you’ve been published and what titles and/or series you write.

I’ve been published for nine years. My publishers include Henery Press, HarperCollins, William Morrow, and Crooked Lane. I’ve self published over twenty novels.

That sounds like quite a productive career.

Tell us a little bit about your books — if you write a series, any upcoming releases or your current work-in-progress.

I’m a cozy mystery author. All of my books are set in the south in the great Bluegrass state of Kentucky. They are funny with globs of southern charm. Six Feet Under is the fourth book in a ten book deal with Henery Press.


A paranormal cozy mystery

Kenni Lowry Mystery Series

Book 4

Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth. And let me tell you, this broth is in trouble. Get ready for a Southern showdown.

The residents of Cottonwood, Kentucky are sent into a tizzy when the Culinary Channel comes to town to film an episode of Southern Home Cookin’ with celebrity chef Frank Von Lee.

Especially Sheriff Kenni Lowry.

Her mama’s award-winning chicken pot pie is what brought Frank to town, and they don’t make hair in the South bigger than her mama’s ego after the news.

When Frank Von Lee is found dead from food poisoning and the most likely culprit is Mama’s chicken pot pie, Kenni’s poppa, the former sheriff, comes back from the Great Beyond to assist in the investigation.

But nothing’s prepared Kenni for such a personal tie to a case, and she finds herself pushing the limits of the laws she’s sworn to protect.

This book’s so delicious it’ll make your mouth water and leave you hankerin’ for more.

Sounds like a great book.

Describe your goals as a writer. What do you hope to achieve in the next few years? What are you planning to do to reach these goals?

My only goal as a writer is to write the next book. I stay on a written plan to accomplish my daily writing word count that helps me get there. My WHY as a writer is much different than my goal. My WHY is to write a fun book that helps the reader escape from their daily life.

Excellent goals, and it looks like you’ve been achieving them.

What type of reader are you hoping to attract?  Who do you believe would be most interested in reading your books?

I attract readers who love cozy mystery with some fun and quirky characters.

Yes, quirky characters are a main draw for cozy readers. I like to think the residents of my Cobble Cove fit that bill, too.

What advice would you give other authors or those still trying to get published?

Write every day.

Good advice. I believe that writing is like anything else you wish to master, you have to keep at it to make it a habit.

What particular challenges and struggles did you face before first becoming published?

I first published with self publishing and when it was just not considered cool to do. I just blocked out all the noise and continued down my side of the street and I’ve not done so bad for myself.

I self-published my first book and then became published with Indie publishers. I’m still trying to break into larger publishers with an agent, but I’m very happy with what I’ve accomplished so far and am hopeful I will reach my ultimate goals. In the meantime, I’m learning a lot and am very thankful for the support of other authors and my publisher.

What are your hobbies and interests besides writing?

I have four boys in college…no time for hobbies! I’m all family all the time.

Wow! I only have a teenage daughter. I have no idea how you do it with four kids.

What do you like most and least about being an author? What is your toughest challenge?

I love it all. I love writing and getting into my character’s heads and I love meeting with readers at my annual Two Dames on a Mystery Train event where I rent a different train somewhere in the USA.

The mystery train event sounds awesome. I admire authors like you who are able to think outside the box to find such creative ways to interact with readers.

What do you like about writing cozy mysteries?

I like how the setting and the secondary characters are just as important as the mystery.

I agree. Setting and characters are very important in cozies. I love creating characters and seeing them grow from book to book in my series.

Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know about you or your books?

If they have a hankerin’ to find out more, just check out my website. You can sign up for my newsletter there and also connect with me on social media.

Facebook at Author Tonya Kappes:

Kappes Krew Street Team





Thank you so much, Tonya, and best wishes on your new release and blog tour.




I'm a retired librarian and the author of the Cobble Cove and Buttercup Bend cozy mystery series and other novels, short stories, poems, articles, and a novella. My books include CLOUDY RAINBOW, REASON TO DIE, SEA SCOPE, MEMORY MAKERS, TIME'S RELATIVE, MEOWS AND PURRS, and MEMORIES AND MEOWS. My Cobble Cove cozy mystery series published by Solstice Publishing consists of 6 books: A STONE'S THROW, BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE, WRITTEN IN STONE, LOVE ON THE ROCKS, NO GRAVESTONE UNTURNED, and SNEAKY'S SUPERNATURAL MYSTERY AND OTHER COBBLE COVE STORIES. My new Buttercup Bend series published by Next Chapter Publishing includes THE CASE OF THE CAT CRAZY LADY and THE CASE OF THE PARROT LOVING PROFESSOR. I've also written a romantic comedy novella, WHEN JACK TRUMPS ACE, and short stories of various genres published as eBooks and in anthologies published by the Red Penguin Collection. My poetry appears in the Nassau County Voices in Verse and the Bard's Annual. I'm a member of Sisters-in-Crime, International Thriller Writers, and the Cat Writers' Association. I live on Long Island with my husband, daughter, and 2 cats.

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