Posted in holidays

Christmas Memories and Happy Holiday Wishes for my Readers

The holidays can be a beautiful time of year where we gather with family and friends over good food and exchange gifts. But it can also be a sad time as we remember those who are no longer with us. This is the second Christmas without my mother and my cat Oliver. While I know that both of them had poor qualities of life toward the end, it didn’t make it any easier to say goodbye. I still think of them, not only during the holidays but whenever something reminds me of them. The memories are sweet but also sad.

I was blessed to have two kittens come into my life after I lost Mom and Oliver. I know my mother, a cat lover, would’ve loved Harry and Hermione. Since I believe in signs, I also think she may have had something to do with my finding them and maybe Oliver did, too. I lost two and gained two. They will never replace Mom or Oliver, but Harry and Hermione have helped my heart heal.

Oliver’s last Christmas, 2017

Here are some photos of Oliver and my mother from years past and also some pictures of Harry and Hermione from their first Christmas with us last year. I wish you all the same joy that takes away some of the sadness of your losses. Remember the good times and cherish those you hold dear today. Every minute with our loved ones is precious and can’t be replaced.

My brothers and I with Mom, Christmas 2013
Me with Mom, Christmas 2017 (her last)





Hermione at 5 months old, Christmas 2018
Me and Harry, Christmas 2018